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Friday, February 5, 2010

Frequently Asked Questions

Helpful Tips for Getting Us Your Child's Artwork.

You need to take a digital picture of each artwork, save it to your computer, and then email it to the address given upon receipt of your purchase.

Be sure your camera is on the medium or high resolution setting.

If you can take the picture in natural light (i.e. by a bright window or open door) that is best. Shooting in direct sunlight can cause harsh shadow--move a tad over to the shade NEXT to the sun. If you need to use flash, do not get so close to the artwork as to wash it out.

It is best to photograph the artworks on a solid light colored background. A large piece of poster board is a great way to do it! Have a a good background, allows us to work our "magic" on your final print without any "clutter" in the way.

If you can, stand either directly over, or square in front of the artwork. Try not to shoot at too much of an angle.

Don't worry too much about the "perfect" image--we are here to help with that!

IF you prefer to send us your artwork to photograph, that can be arranged!

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